The Expression of miR-141 and mRNA PTEN with Cisplatin Therapy on NPC


The incidence of NPC in Yogyakarta province is 6.2/100 000 population and the tendency is increasing in the younger population. It has been known that drugs resistance also issues in NPC therapy. Cisplatin is drugs of choice that used in NPC therapy, besides miR-141 and mRNA PTEN are also had a role in chemotherapy
resistance in some of cancer. We conducted the examination of the expression of miR-141 from blood plasma pre and post-therapy patient and blood plasma in healthy control. The sample collected from whole blood and then plasma separation. RNA extracted using RNA Isolation Kit miRCURY-Biofluid, synthesis cDNA with cDNA
Synthesis kit. mRNA analysis with KAPA SYBR® FAST One-Step qRT-PCR Kit then detected by qRT-PCR. Data analysis with comparative analysis and statistical analysis. MiR-141 showed upregulation by 1.49 (p-value: 0.075) and mRNA PTEN showed downregulation by 0.65 (p-value: 0.323) in patients NPC compared to healthy control and there is a relationship between miR-141 and mRNA PTEN (p-value:0.001). The expression levels of miR-141 in patients pre- and post-therapy experience down-regulated (fold change:0.61, two-tailed t-test: 0.09) and mRNA expression levels of PTEN experience down-regulated (fold change:0.5, t-test two-tailed:0.09). The level expression of mRNA PTEN is still down-regulated through the expression of miR-141 is up-regulated indicated that the possibility of drugs resistance in therapy with cisplatin. Then, miR-141 is one of the important factors in cisplatin drugs resistance with inhibition of mRNA PTEN.

Keywords: miR-141, mRNA PTEN, Cisplatin, Drugs resistance, NPC.

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