Is Tuberculosis Increasing Blood Pressure?


This research’s purpose was to understand the association between TB status with blood pressure’s differences in Indonesia in 2013. This research used data from Riskesdas. Linear regression analysis and logistic regression were used on 38.002 sample subject regardless of the TB status whose blood pressure and glucose rate were examined. The result of this research showed that there’s an association between TB and blood pressure. With the decreasing of systolic blood pressure as 2.3 mmHg and subjects with TB are 1.1 times most likely also suffer hypertension. The results of this study showed that the blood pressure in subjects who were diagnosed with tuberculosis after adjusting for blood glucose. Age. Sex. And economic status is lower 1.9 mmHg (95% CI-6.0 – 2.2) than the subjects who were not diagnosed with TB. Hypertension odds ratios in subjects who were diagnosed with tuberculosis after adjusting for blood glucose. Age. Sex. And economic status was 0.94 lower (95% CI 0.58 to 1.52) than the subjects who were not diagnosed with TB.

Keywords: Hypertension; Tuberculosis; Blood pressure

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