Indoor PM10 Concentration and Respiratory Diseases on Children in Area Around Limestone Combustion


The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between indoor PM10 concentration and respiratory diseases in infants/young children. The study design was cross-sectional, conducted on 130 infants/young children. PM10 and data of other variables collected through measurement, interviews, and observation. The results showed dominant factor causing respiratory diseases in infants/young children was indoor PM10 (4.92; 2.25-10.74), after controlled ventilation the house (2.62; 1.18-5.79), type of wall (2.33; 1.10-4.95), humidity (2.35; 1.10-5.04), temperature (2.44; 1.15-5.18), smoking family members (5.40; 1.74-16.75), and maternal education (2.86; 1.16-7.07). Risk analysis showed that at-risk group (indoor PM10 concentrations>70 μg/m3) was 13.42
times to have the risk experiencing respiratory diseases than the non-risk group (indoor PM10 concentrations ≤ 70 μg/m3).

Keywords: respiratory diseases, indoor particulate matter (PM)10

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