The Analysis of Chronic Energy Malnutrition and Iron Intake with Anemia in Preconception Women of Childbearing Age in Terbanggi Besar Subdistrict, District of Central Lampung


The prevalence of anemia among women of childbearing age (WCA) in Lampung Province in 2011 was 25.9%. Anemia in WCA usually continues until the pregnancy that may increase the risk of complications in pregnancy and childbirth. This study aimed to determine the relationship of chronic energy malnutrition and iron intake with anemia in preconception women of childbearing age. The was an observational analytic study using a cross-sectional design. The survey conducted in Terbanggi Besar subdistrict, district of Central Lampung from August to November 2016. Samples were 183 preconception women of childbearing-aged 20- to 40-years-old, taken with sampling cluster techniques. Chronic energy malnutrition data assessed by measurement of the
mid-arm circumference, iron intake obtained through 2x24h food recall, and anemia by measuring hemoglobin levels through blood tests. Data were analyzed using chi-square test and Fisher exact test. The results showed that 26.8% of respondents suffered from anemia, 44.3% chronic energy malnutrition, and 95.7% less iron. The results showed that chronic energy malnutrition had a significant correlation (p = 0.02) with anemia, and iron intake did not correlate (p = 0.53) with anemia. Respondents with chronic energy malnutrition were 2.3 times more likely to have anemia than those without chronic energy malnutrition. There was a significant relationship between chronic energy malnutrition with anemia in preconception women of childbearing age in Terbanggi
Besar sub-district of Central Lampung.

Keywords: Anemia, chronic energy malnutrition, iron intake, women of childbearing age preconceptions

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