Neuropsychological Test Barcelona-2: Theoretical and Practical Aspects


The Barcelona test (TB) is an instrument of neuropsychological assessment, developed under the influence of Luria’s ideas, and published in 1990 [1]. It explores the main cognitive functions and allows the design of graphic profiles similar to those of the Boston Test for the diagnosis of aphasia. Objective: To present the theoretical and practical characteristics of a new version of the test, the Test Barcelona-2. The new and computerized versions of test structure is described here with six modules established: (1) Language-attention-orientation; (2) Reading and writing; (3) Motorpraxis; (4) Perception-gnosis; (5) Memory; (6) Abstraction-execution. As a novelty, test allows the selection for specific profiles: alpha, beta, abbreviated, aphasia, and
ecological-forensic approach. The types of variables condition a different statistical approach and a differentiated form of graphic expression. The new test presents a modular structure, which allows determining intra- and inter-module dissociations. Computerization greatly facilitates the work of the clinician. In the case of aphasia the test allows to differentiate easily all its clinical forms.

Keywords: Test Barceona-2, neuropsychological test; computerized workstation, modular structure

[1] J. Peña-Casanova. “Programa integrado de exploración neuropsicológica-test Barcelona: bases teóricas, objetivos y contenidos”. Revista de Logopedia, Foniatría y Audiología, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 66-79, 1991.

[2] J. Peña-Casanova, J., Blesa, R., Aguilar, M., Gramunt-Fombuena, N., GómezAnsón, B., Oliva, R.,... & Martínez-Parra, C. “Spanish multicenter normative studies (NEURONORMA project): Methods and sample characteristics”. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 307-319, 2009.