The Exploration of the Phenomenon of Psychological Time


The phenomenon of psychological time is manifested in its irreducibility of absolute time and is defined as the ability to achieve personal goals. Individual peculiarities of perception and experience of time are the basis of self-organization of human activity. The relevance of an objective study of the significance of the phenomenon
of time is determined by the importance of this category for the implementation of the functions of adaptation and self-realization. Psychophysiological methods can be used to estimate the objective value of time in the system of human semantic links. It allows you to evaluate the strength of psychophysiological reactions of a
person. The individual value of the time category can be calculated on the basis of the integral intensity of the reaction force: heart rate, breathing amplitude, increase in the amplitude of the systole (increase in peripheral blood flow), the severity of the high-amplitude positive half-wave (departure of the KGR wave upward from isolation).

Keywords: phenomenon of time, objective research methods, psychophysiological acts, the importance of the concept

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