Traffic Generation in Surapati Gasibu Bandung City


Based on the data from the Bandung City Central Statistics Agency in 2020, population growth has been increased by 0.49%. The use of private vehicles, certainly affects the growth of traffic movements, especially at the Surapati Gasibu Intersection, Bandung City. To find out the traffic flow that passes through Surapati Street, a study was carried out using a movement generation model. The generation model uses the multiple regression analysis methods with the generated variable being the number of vehicles (Y) and the variables that influence it are the population (X1), the number of domestic tourists (X2), and the value of gross regional domestic income (X3) in Bandung. The data was obtained through the publication of the Bandung City BPS from 2012 to 2021 (10 years). Using the data analyst feature in Microsoft Excel, the regression equation is found to be Y = -7,003,565.898 + 3.213 X1 + 0.142 X2 and the growth value of traffic movement is at 2.39% per year. It means in 30 years the average traffic will grow by 20% and need a renewal intersection.

Keywords: traffic, generation, Surapati Gasibu, Bandung

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