Arbi Care: An Educational Game Innovation To Increase Healthy Behavior Among Preschoolers


To prevent diarrhea in children, an innovative approach is needed to promote healthy behavior. Games are widely recommended as a means of educating children in this regard. This paper describes the process of developing an educational game to increase healthy behavior for diarrhea prevention among preschool children. The reported study employed a research and development design involving four stages: define, design, develop, and disseminate. The process of developing the game involved (1) exploring the characteristics of games favored by the children; (2) designing an intervention based on those preferences; (3) validating the game prototype with experts and testing the game with preschool children to assess its applicability; and (4) revising the game for application as an intervention. Observation sheets were used to assess the game’s applicability. The results showed that 92% of the 10 preschool children were able to play the game (which we called arbi care) and to understand its message. The results indicate that the arbicare game can be
used asa learning device to increase healthy behavior related to diarrhea prevention among preschool children.

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