Validity and Reliability of a Questionnaire About Dental and Oral Health


Knowledge about dental and oral health is one of the factors that influence the occurrence of various dental and oral complaints. Lack of knowledge about the importance of dental and oral care can lead to individuals neglecting dental and oral hygiene. To measure knowledge about dental and oral health, a questionnaire that has been tested and is ready for use is needed. This study aims to test the validity and reliability of a questionnaire about dental and oral health. A random sample of 29 people were selected to complete the questionnaire. The validity test used the Kappa coefficient, and the reliability test used the Cronbach alpha test. The results showed that of the 25 questions tested, 25 questions were valid, and 5 questions were reliable. In conclusion, the questionnaire needs to be reviewed in terms of sentence structure by experts in dentistry, so the questionnaire is easily understood by respondents.

Keywords: validity, reability, questionnaire

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