Epidemiology of Tuberculosis Disease Using Surveillance Data in Kendari City, Indonesia


Tuberculosis (TB) is still a public health problem in the world despite efforts to control it have been carried out in many countries since 1995. The number of tuberculosis cases in 2018 was 66,623 cases, which increased compared to cases of tuberculosis found in 2017 which amounted to 446,732 cases. This study uses various data from the Indonesian government bodies. Data on tuberculosis cases were obtained from the Kendari City Health Office from 2017 to 2019. The conclusion is that the majority of tuberculosis sufferers are male with a distribution that tends to increase every year. The prevalence of tuberculosis since 2017 has experienced a significant increase. On one hand, this shows that there is a strong tracing of health workers. On the other hand, the prevention of tuberculosis cases has not shown optimal results.

Keywords: Tuberculosis disease, Kendari, Indonesia

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