Tourism Potential of the Coastal Area of Yeh Bakung Beach


It is important to explore the tourism potential within a region and to develop a tourism management strategy. Yeh Bakung Beach has tourism appeal. Between the shore and the sea, the coast acts as a stabilizer, while also serving an aesthetic purpose. This is relevant for discussions on public preservation and welfare. People from outside Lalanglingah village use Yeh Bakung Beach not only as a tourist destination, but also as a location for Melasti (a Hinduism ceremony). This research was conducted in Yeh Bakung Beach, Lalanglinggah village, in Tabanan district. The following criteria were considered: condition of the location for tourism, market potential, accessibility, environmental factors, public service, climate change, accommodation, facilities and infrastructure, availability of clean water, safety and convenience, relation to other tourist attractions, area carrying capacity, visitor adjustment, marketing, and market share. The findings showed that Yeh Bakung Beach has good potential to become an ecotourism destination.

Keywords: ADO-ODTWA, agrotourism, coastal area, ecotourism

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