Preventing Tuberculosis in Families of East Timor Expatriate Tuberculosis Patients in Indonesia


Tuberculosis is a highly contagious disease caused by rod-shaped bacteria (bacilli) known as Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The housing of East Timor expatriates in Indonesia is very close to each other, with unsanitary environmental conditions and poor ventilation, thus making this community vulnerable to disease transmission, especially of infectious diseases such as pulmonary tuberculosis. This study aimed to examine the attitudes and behaviors associated with preventing tuberculosis in the families of East Timor expatriate tuberculosis patients. This was a descriptive study with a survey and observational approach. The sample consisted of 36 respondents and data were collected using a questionnaire with 27 questions about attitudes and behaviors to prevent TB transmission. The average age of the respondents was 38 years old. 53% of respondents were male and 42% graduated from elementary school. The results showed that 69% had a positive attitude to the prevention of pulmonary TB transmission in the family and 61% mostly behaved well in their behavior to prevent pulmonary TB transmission. Based on these findings, health workers need to improve health promotion programs with family empowerment methods, as well as advocate for the Government to pay attention to the quality of environmental sanitation and increase the number of patients who recover from TB.

Keywords: tuberculosis, pulmonary, prevention and control

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