Factors Affecting the Implementation of Nursing Practice Policies in Lamongan


Problems in nursing practices are very complex, ranging from administrative problems to competencies and limits of authority. The purpose of this study was to analyze the supporting and inhibiting factors of nursing practices in Lamongan Regency. Descriptive qualitative methods were used with a phenomenological approach. The data were obtained from: 1) PPNI Lamongan District Legal and Political Affairs; 2) Staff of Health Human Resources (SDMK) Lamongan District Health Office; 3) Lamongan Regency Licensing Office; 4) independent practice nurses; and 5) from the public. The data were collected through interviews, observations, and document studies. According to the results, the supporting factors include the forms of legislation that provide clarity on the important role of health workers. Ministerial regulations and regional regulations concerning licensing and implementation of independent nurse practices are urgently needed to provide legal certainty to nurses. The inhibiting factors include: 1) the problem of limiting authority between nursing and medical practice; 2) public perceptions of nursing practices; 3) perceptions of complicated licensing practices; 4) types and competencies of nurses; and 5) increases in health service facilities. There is a need for coordination between the Government, the Ministry of Health, the Health Service, and PPNI to facilitate, supervise and provide guidance in the implementation of independent nurse practices.

Keywords: factor, policy, nursing practice

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