The Effect of Maternal and Child Factors on Stunting in Children Under Five Years in Rural Indonesia


Indonesia has the fifth largest prevalence of stunting in the world. The results of the 2013 Basic Health Research showed that the prevalence of stunting in toddlers in Indonesia was 37.2%. In Cianjur District, the prevalence of stunting in 2017 reached 35.7%. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of maternal and child factors on stunting in children under five years in Cikancana, Cianjur District, in rural Indonesia. The study used an analytical design with a case-control approach. 42 mothers were included who had children under five years with stunting and 42 mothers who had healthy children. Data analysis was through the Chi-square test and multiple logistic regression. The results showed that, of the maternal factors, gestational weight gain and anemia during pregnancy were significantly related to stunting (both p < 0.001), while maternal height (p = 0.068) and maternal nutritional status during pregnancy (p = 0.801) were not significantly related to stunting. None of the child factors were significantly related to stunting, namely birth weight (p = 1.000), birth length (p = 0.156), early breastfeeding initiation (p = 1.000), exclusive breastfeeding (p = 0.175), complete basic immunization (p = 0.713), or history of infectious diseases (p = 1.000). Multiple logistic regression showed that anemia during pregnancy was the most influential factor for stunting in children under five years (OR 18.41; 95% CI 3.43-98.75; p < 0.001). Pregnant women need to be prepared by taking iron supplementation tablets during pregnancy so that anemia can be prevented.

Keywords: stunting, maternal factors, child factors

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