The Relationship Between Education Level and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Bekasi City Hospitals


According to the World Health Organization, in 2015 there were 36.9 million people with IMS. According to West Java profile data, there were 23,301 cases of IMS in 2016, and during the period 2004-2006, there were 3,627 cases. This high level of IMS is because there are still many people with low levels of education, so their knowledge about infections is low. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between education level and the incidence of sexually transmitted infections in Bekasi City Hospital in 2018. This research used an analytical cross-sectional approach. The sample was the data for all patients treated in the Azalea Room for Internal Medicine at Bekasi City Hospital in 2018. Of the 221 patients who experienced sexually transmitted infections, 110 had a low education level (78.0%), 67 had a moderate education level, and 44 had a high education level. The study results showed a relationship between the level of education and the incidence of sexually transmitted infections in the Azalea Room for Internal Medicine at the Bekasi City Hospital.

Keywords: education, sexually transmitted infections

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