Mother's Fortitude in Taking Care of Children with Thalassemia in Indonesia


Thalassemia is the most common single-gene disorder. It affects the ability to survive due to chronic anemia and this hemoglobin disorder is inherited from parents. Having children with thalassemia can change the relationships among family members. The situation can trigger pressure and sadness for parents, especially the mother as the closest figure and generally the one who interacts more with the children. Taking care of children with thalassemia can give mothers up and down experiences and stress. Fortitude will help her to determine a series of attitudes that can assist in coping with the stress. This study used qualitative research methods to understand in-depth the mother’s experiences in taking care of children with thalassemia. A phenomenological method was used with in-depth interviews with six mothers. The themes that were identified from this study were: not accepting reality, surrendering, efforts to treat children through medical and traditional means, challenges, and mother’s fortitude. We can conclude that a mother’s fortitude in taking care of children with thalassemia is successful if the mother can accept the reality. This can be seen and felt through the mother’s actions in taking care of her children with patience, sincerity and prayer.

Keywords: thalassemia, fortitude, mother’s experience

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