Depressive Symptoms in High-Risk Pregnancies During the COVID-19 Pandemic


A high-risk pregnancy is one that has a higher risk than a normal pregnancy, both to the mother and to her baby, which can cause disability, disease or even death before or after delivery. In the city of Bandung, there were 29 cases of maternal mortality in 2019. One of the potential effects of a risky pregnancy is antenatal depression. The results of previous research conducted in Indonesia showed that 50% of pregnant women are at risk of experiencing depressive symptoms. The COVID-19 pandemic can trigger stress, and unresolved stress can cause depression and endanger the mental and physical health of pregnant women and their babies. This study aimed to describe the symptoms of depression in mothers with high-risk pregnancies. A descriptive quantitative approach was used with a cross-sectional design and there were 60 participants. The inclusion criteria were at-risk pregnant women who had been screened using the Poedji Rochjati Score Card, had a smartphone, and were able to communicate well. The instrument used was the Patient Health Questionnaire-9. The findings showed that 90% of women with high-risk pregnancies during the pandemic experienced symptoms of depression and 10% experienced mild depression. The majority of the depressive symptoms that were experienced were somatic-gastrointestinal symptoms. It can be concluded that symptoms of depression in pregnant women increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. So, it is necessary to improve the quality of pregnancy services to overcome the symptoms of depression in pregnant women.

Keywords: depressive symptoms, high-risk pregnancy, COVID-19 pandemic

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