The Effect of Bilateral Arm Training on Daily Activity in Stroke Patients


Stroke patients frequently experience weakness and even paralysis in certain body parts, which can make daily chores more challenging. Therefore, we need interventions that can increase the daily activity of stroke patients so that they can carry out their daily activities successfully. This study aimed to determine the effect of bilateral arm training on daily activity in stroke patients. This study used a quasi-experimental approach with a two-group pretest-posttest design. There were 38 respondents, with 19 in each group. After conducting the pretest, respondents in the intervention group were given bilateral arm training for two weeks, and after the posttest, the control group was given this training as well. The Barthel Index questionnaire was used to assess the activity level of stroke patients in this study. The paired t-test and independent t-test were utilized for statistical analysis. The intervention group’s daily activity levels increased, as measured by the mean score, which increased from 62.89 to 68.16 (p = 0.009). The scores in the control group remained constant from before to after the intervention periods, ranging between 40 and 80 with a mean of 60.00. The independent t-test showed a significant difference in the post-test scores between the two groups (p = 0.040). It can be concluded that bilateral arm training can improve daily activity in stroke patients. Additionally, this intervention can be performed in a hospital setting and nurses can teach the patient, family, and caregiver as part of discharge planning.

Keywords: activity daily living, bilateral arm training, stroke

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