The Effect of Emotional Intelligence Training on Self-Efficacy in Nursing Students


Students who are in the last semester of their degree often experience stress because of their academic tasks. Stress that cannot be controlled can have a negative impact, especially emotionally, which can result in a decrease in self-efficacy. The objective of this research was to identify the effect of emotional intelligence training on self-efficacy in nursing students. This research was quasi-experimental (pre-test post-test with a control group), and 60 undergraduate nursing students at level 3 were recruited using purposive sampling. The measuring instrument used was the General Self Efficacy questionnaire. The results showed that the majority of respondents in this study were women (81.7%) with an average age of 20-21 years. The paired t test showed that in the intervention group there was a significant difference in the average values of the pre-test and post-test (p < 0.001), whereas in the control group there was no significant different (p = 0.549). The ANCOVA test results produced a p-value < 0.001, showing that emotional intelligence training led to increased self-efficacy in nursing students at STIKep PPNI West Java. It is hoped that with this research, the campus can conduct an assessment of the level of student self-efficacy on a regular basis, so that self-efficacy in students can always be monitored.

Keywords: Emotional Intelligence Training, Self-Efficacy, nursing, students

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