The Effectiveness of Rheumatic Exercise With Citronella Oil on Decreasing Pain Intensity in Pre-Elderly Experiencing Rheumatism


Rheumatic disease has a significant impact on individuals and society. This disease also affects the economy of the individual, society and country. The highest prevalence of joint disease in Indonesia based on diagnosis by health professionals or symptoms has been identified in East Nusa Tenggara (33%), followed by West Sumatra (33%), West Java (32%), and Bali (30%). The prevalence of joint disease in Bandung City has been reported as 27%. Musculoskeletal system diseases and connective tissue problems (including rheumatism) are the second most common condition in women (69%), after vascular system disease. A rheumatic exercise is a form of physical exercise that has a good effect on increasing the ability of joint muscles, which can improve fitness and increase endurance. If the muscles are frequently trained, the synovial fluid will increase, which can reduce the risk of injury and prevent knee pain in patients with knee rheumatism. Rheumatic exercises have a direct psychological impact, namely helping to give a relaxed feeling, reduce tension, and increase feelings of pleasure because during exercise the pituitary gland increases beta-endorphin levels. Increased concentrations of beta-endorphins in the blood and parasympathetic nerves reduce heart rate and pulse, causing the pain that causes joint stiffness to decrease. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of rhematic exercise with a modified combination of citronella oil to reduce pain intensity in the pre-elderly with rheumatism in Puskesmas Garuda Kota Bandung. This was a quasi-experimental study with a two group pre- and post-test design with a control. The average pain scale value before the intervention was 5.7 and the average pain scale after the intervention in the treatment group was 1.45. The rheumatic exercise intervention with a topical combination of citronella oil was more effective in reducing the intensity of rheumatic pain in the pre-elderly who had rheumatism in Garuda City Health Center, Bandung. The results may be useful for health workers to improve their performance in helping the community.

Keywords: Rheumatic exercise, pain intensity, pre-elderly

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