The Satisfaction of Nursing Students With Medical-Surgical E-Learning in Bali


The COVID-19 pandemic has not ended yet, and so educational systems need to continue to be active and creative in establishing online learning materials. Nursing education faces challenges for many learning materials with high credits, such as Medical-Surgical Nursing. Even when altered to online methods, education still must prioritise the quality of the teaching-learning process to generate satisfactory learning. This study aimed to overview the satisfaction of nursing students towards the e-learning activities of the Medical-Surgical Nursing program during the pandemic. This was a descriptive cross-sectional study with a total of 300 participants. There were five aspects assessed, including accessibility, convenience in understanding the materials, interactivity, the accuracy of the methods used, and independence. The results showed that 110 respondents (36.7%) marked low on accessibility; 164 (54.7%) determined it was convenient to understand the materials; 126 (42%) felt that they interacted well among students and with lecturers; 185 (61.7%) thought the methods were sufficiently appropriate during the online learning process; and 141 (47%) felt independent enough to be able to do online learning. In conclusion, the students determined that the online learning process was fairly good in its accessibility, convenience in understanding the materials, interactivity, accuracy of the methods used, and independence aspects.

Keywords: online learning, Medical-Surgical Nursing, satisfaction

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