Factors Affecting the Levels of Open Defecation in Cibaduyut, Bandung, Indonesia


An area is categorized as Open Defecation Free (ODF) when the community has carried out total sanitation practices and does not defecate openly. In Indonesia, more than 58 million people still practice open defecation; in the city of Bandung only 17 of the 151 sub-districts have 100% ODF categorization and Cibaduyut sub-district only has 26% ODF. This study aimed to determine the factors associated with the levels of open defecation in Cibaduyut Village, Bandung City. This was a cross-sectional study. The sample consisted of 92 heads of families who live in Cibaduyut Village, and the sampling technique used was stratified random sampling. Data were collected by means of interviews and a questionnaire. Data analysis involved multivariate analysis to understand the determinants of the levels of open defecation using the KMO & Barlett’s test. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between knowledge, attitudes, income, latrine ownership, and social interaction (p-value = 0.0001), and the KMO & Barlett’s test value was 0.508. However, after the anti-image matrices test, it was deemed that the ownership of the latrine variable could not be analyzed further (MSA value 0.460 < 0.50). The most influentual factors were community factors (attitudes and social interaction) and individual factors (knowledge and income). It is recommended that a communal septic tank is made so that people do not defecate carelessly and there is a place for processing feces. The puskesmas and the health office need to increase their active role in providing counseling and empowering the community to understand the importance of having healthy latrines, so that they can and are able to build independent and communal septic tanks.

Keywords: community, individual, ODF, cross-sectional, factor analysis

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