Swaddling to Overcome the Challenges of Peripheral Venous Access in Infants: A Pilot Study


Peripheral intravenous catheter insertion in children in the emergency room has a number of risks, and these increase while the infusion is given to infants. Health personnel attempt to cope with several difficulties in this situation. This study aimed to describe the difficulty of peripheral intravenous insertion factors as well as the interventions implemented to overcome these challenges. This study used a quantitative design with descriptive analysis. 34 nurses and four midwives participated in this study by filling out a questionnaire. According to the findings, the average respondent had four years of work experience and all respondents had infused infant patients in the emergency room in the previous two months. 44.7% of health workers identified venous characteristics of patients as a challenge and 44.1% identified active children as a challenge. Emergency room personnel use a venous viewer 50% of the time and a swaddle 44.7% of the time to overcome infusion difficulties. Due to the challenges of deep palpable veins and small veins, nurses use a vein viewer, whereas for active babies, nurses use the swaddling method.

Keywords: difficulty factors of venous insertion, swaddling, infants

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