Investigating Antisense Transcription at the HTT Locus


Antisense transcription is an important mechanism of gene expression regulation. Antisense RNAs play a role in mRNA processing, translation and epigenetic modifications of DNA and histones in the locus of their origin, leading to gene silencing. HTT is a widely expressed gene, the mutation of which causes Huntington’s disease. The product of the gene plays an important role in many cell processes, such as intracellular trafficking, cell division, autophagy, and others. An antisense transcription has been found at the HTT 5’-region. The HTT-AS gene has been reported to affect HTT expression in a Dicer-dependent manner. In this study, we analyzed extensive data from RNA-seq experiments for antisense transcription at the HTT locus. Antisense transcripts corresponding to the HTT-AS gene were not found. However, we revealed a number of antisense transcripts in different parts of the locus that may take part in the regulation and functioning of the HTT gene.

Keywords: antisense transcription, HTT-AS, HTTregulation, Huntington’s disease

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