Synthesis of LiMn0.9Ni0.1PO4/C as New Cathode Material for Lithium Battery


Lithium ion battery has high energy density and good application for electrical vehicle  and power grid under combination with photovoltaic. Carbon coated lithium manganese phosphate is the new cathode active material. In this experiment LiMn0.9Ni0.1PO4\C was carried out with stoichiometric composition of technical raw materials, MnO2 from China, Ni from Merck, H3PO4 and LiOH.H2O from Germany. After calcinations process at 7000C in 2 hours by powder metallurgy method, sintering was done during of 2 hours. Before sintering process calcinations powder was milled and mixed with tapioca powder under comparison between tapioca and active material 1:3 in 72 hours. The sintered powders was analyzed the characteristic of crystal structure, SEM, conductivity, cyclic voltammeter and charge – discharge. The sintered powder has black color under coated carbon from tapioca. The crystal structure of LiMn0.9Ni0.1PO4\C has the same olivine structure of LiMnPO4\C. Networking structure of phosphate in LiMn0.9Ni0.1PO4\C was formed in the FTIR analysis. Conductivity of active material was 7.96 x 10-6 S/cm. Workings voltage of LiMn0.9Ni0.1PO4\C was 4.2 volt with capacity of round 40mAh/g.  

Keywords: cathode, LiMnPO4, lithium battery, powder metallurgy, tapioca

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