Peer Review Policy

The International Journal of Excellence in Smart Learning follows the Ethical Guidelines of Peer Reviewers by the Committee on Publication Ethics. The journal does not guarantee manuscript acceptance. Although the efficiency of the peer-review process is one of the journal’s indicators, there is no guarantee of a specific time for a decision to be made.

  • The International Journal of Excellence in Smart Learning uses a rigorous double-blind peer-review model by at least two independent external reviewers. The double-blind peer-review process means that neither the authors nor the reviewers are aware of each other’s identity during the process. The peer-review process takes place prior to publication and is facilitated by the Journal.
  • The editors mediate all interactions between reviewers and authors. The reviews are owned by the journal and are not published. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the academic quality of the publication process, including final acceptance decisions, approval of Guest Editors and special issue topics, and new Editorial Board members.
  • Reviewers are expected to communicate any signs of research misconduct or manipulation and support the journal in investigating any misconduct claims. Based on reviewers’ reports, the journal decides whether to reject the submission, return with minor or major suggestions for improvements, submit to a different journal or accept.