HRM, Marketing Strategic, Quality and Operations Management the Design to Improve E-Ktp Service Quality in the Klaten Population and Civil Registration Agency


Thequalityofpublic service refers to the satisfaction level provided by the government organizations, whichmeets or exceeds the customers’perceptions, demands, desires andexpectations.IncaseofE-KTP(ElectronicCitizenID),the main problem is basically to improve the quality of its service. The qualified services depend on various aspects such as its implementation (management), human resources, and institutions. The Servqual method was used to find out the quality of E-KTP services in The Klaten Population and Civil Registration Agency (Dispendukcapil) and the service attributes that should be improved. The Kano method was employed to determine the attribute priority that must be improved based on its influence on the public satisfaction. The survey was conducted by distributing questionnaires to 148 respondents. Afterward, a statistical test was performed to assess the validity and reliability of the data. The results were all the expectations attributes and the performance assessments were declared valid since R

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