The Impact of Motivation on Proactive Behavior in the Perspective of Self-Determination Theory


Using the Self-Determination Theory, the authors investigate the consequence of motivation. Specifically, this study analyzes the impacts of amotivation, extrinsic motivation, and intrinsic motivation toward proactive behavior of headquarter employees. Answering research problems and examining hypotheses, the authors applied regression technic to analysis eighty three data collected in the state organization which cover the Divisions under Directors of Finance and Human Resources and Sales Division outside of Finance & Human Resources Directors. The results of this research show that amotivation, extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation significantly and directly affect headquarter employee’s proactive behavior. These findings imply that company should give attention to the emergence of amotivation because amotivation can reduce or eliminate an employee’s proactive behavior in work which can ultimately disrupt the company’s performance. Moreover, the authors conclude by presenting theoretical and managerial implication.

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