Tenants House Ownership Process in Dhaka City


The majority of the people in Dhaka have come to Dhaka for a variety of economic and social reasons. They are staying and working in Dhaka permanently without a home of their own, but gradually many of them become house owners. The experiences and the house ownership process of the tenants generate knowledge and present a guideline for the policy makers and planners. The study provides information concerning house ownership by the tenants in Dhaka city. Household tenants have been interviewed with a questionnaire. The main focus is on the process of owning a new house. Further, the wards present the comparisons of planned and unplanned areas. On average, 87 percent of the tenants feel that they should get interested in building their own house in Dhaka city. In the study areas, 33 percent of the tenants in the study areas are saving money for being an owner of a house in Dhaka city, where 12 percent of them have their land in Dhaka already. Indeed, 14 percent of them already in search of a different kind of loans and also in search of the help of real-estate companies help. Consequently, for construction and installation of services, 3.7%, and 16.9% of tenants get involved already. The most difficult stage of owning a house is finance. Study findings showed that there is a different source of money, which help people to get involved in this process. At first, it depends on the situation of the land, whether it is developed or not. If the land is buildable, then the tenants usually start to arrange money. Sometimes they have to wait for a long time to arrange the money to build a house. In this stage, they seek for a house building loan, loan by mortgages, saved money, selling property, selling jewelry, a loan from relatives all of those things mutually help them at this stage.