The Effect of Using Rountable Technique on Student’S Writing Skill in Arranging Sentences


This research is concerned with applying roundtable technique writing skill in arranging sentences to form simple present tense. The aim of the research is to find out if applying roundtable technique effects on students’ writing skill in arranging sentences. The research is conducted by experimental method. The population of the research is XI students of SMA Swasta Dwi Tunggal Tanjung Morawa in 2018-2019 academic year. The sample consists of 60 students then divided into two groups, 30 students as experimental group and 30 students as control group. The experimental group is taught by applying roundtable technique and the control group without applying roundtable technique. The researcher uses writing test as instrument of the research. The test is answered by multiple choices and arranging sentences about simple present tense.The researcher analyzes the data by using the formula of t-test commonly used. After calculating and analyzing the data, it is concluded that tcalculate is higher than ttable (5,54 > 2,02). It showed that there is a significant difference. The pre test mean score of experimental is 57,16 and post test is 84,5, the difference is 27,34. The value ot tcalculate is bigger than ttable (5,54 > 2,02) degree of freedom is 58, and the level significance is 0,05. The result is that applying roundtable technique gives significant effect on students’ writing skill in arranging sentences simple presentt tense. So, It can concluded from t-test above that the hypothesis of this study is accepted.



Keywords: Roundtable technique, Writing Skill, Arranging Sentences.

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