The Effect of the Surrounding Environment As a Learning Resource on the Mastery Concept and Creative Thinking on Elementary School


The objectives of this study were to examine The effect of the Surrounding Environment as a Learning Resource on The Mastery Concept and Creative Thinking. This study used the quantitative method. The study design was quasi-experimental with the pretest and the posttest group design. The study population included all the fourth graders of SD Negeri Se-Gugus Kartini Warureja Tegal. The samples in this study were determined by simple random sampling technique so that the fourth grade of SD Negeri Warureja 02 classes were given treatment by utilizing the surrounding environment as a learning resource, the fourth grade of SD N Warureja 01 was treated with conventional learning. The research instruments used include concept mastering test and creative thinking. Normality test was done by Kolmogorov-Smirnov method and homogeneity test using Box’M test.The Data were analysed by hypothesis testing beginning with univariate mean difference test using independent sample t-test and MANOVA test with T2 Hotteling formula. The result of this research are as follow (1) the utilization of the Surrounding Environment as a Learning Resource had an effect on Mastery Concept (2) the utilization of the Surrounding Environment as a Source of Learning Approach affects the Creative Thinking (3) the utilization of the Surrounding Environment as a Source of Learning affects the Mastery concepts and Creative Thinking together.



Keywords: Learning Resources; Surrounding Environment; Concept Matery; Creative Thinking.

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