The Guiding of Students Based on Higher Order Thinking Skill at Community-Based Alternative School


This article aims to describe the guiding concept of students conducted by a learning community at Central Java. This learning community has new concept in developing students’ potency. This article is written based on the research conducted by the researchers in komunitas belajar Qaryah Thayyibah (KBQT). The method used in this research is qualitative research method in the form of case study. The result of the research shows that basically the guiding of students at KBQT is conducted based on the behavior of higher order thinking by implementing these things, such as: 1) implementing target system for all students; 2) familiarizing the students to discuss with each other and utter their ideas; and 3) prioritizing the mutual agreements between teacher and student to decide the learning activity. From that activity, this learning community actually tries to develop the potency, interest, and talent of students which are different from each student.



Keywords: student development, higher order thinking, community learning

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