The Influence of Teacher Leadership and Extracurricular Activities on Student Discipline in Pangudi Luhur Junior High School Klaten Regency


This study aims to determine the influence of teacher leadership and extracurricular activities individually and jointly on student discipline. Discipline of students in education in school is important because education itself functions to develop and shape the character of students. This research is an ex post facto research. The research population was students of Pangudi Luhur Junior High School in Klaten Regency that were 1035. In number, there were 280 students became samples. The samples were taken by proportional random sampling technique. The data collection instruments are questionnaires.The data analysis using simple regression and multiple regression to test the research hypothesis.The results showed that the rewash positive and significant influence on teacher leadership on student discipline; there was a positive and significant influence of extracurricular activities on student discipline and there are influence of teacher leadership and extracurricular activities together on student discipline.



Keywords: teacher leadership; extracurricular; student discipline

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