Interest in Islamicpreneur: Family Environment Factors and Religiosity Analysis (The Research of Islamic Economics Students at University in Bandung)


Entrepreneurship is one of the occupation that has a noble in the view of Islam. In addition, Entrepreneurship is also has an important role for the welfore of a state. Howover, the entrepreneurship ratio in Indonesia is still in low rate compared to another countries. For the reason, this research will discuss student’s interest toward Islamicpreneur. It is because students’ interest in islamicpreneur is the source for the birth of Islamic entrepreneurs in the future. Based on the previous research, entrepreneurial interest is influenced by among others, family enviroment and religiousity level. Therefore this research aims to analyze and predict the influence of family enviroment and religiousity toward students interests in islamicpreneur. The population of this research is the student of Islamic economics at university in Bandung. The study use non-probability-accidental sampling as sampling technique with 280 people as the subjects of the research. Then the research was using causality method with quantitative approach. The data was analyzed using Partial Least SquaresStructural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The results showed that the family environment has a positive and significant effect on the interest of Islamicpreneur, while the level of religiosity does not affect the interest of Islamic scholars. This research is expected to be able to provide benefits to various parties in increasing the interest of Islamic scholarship in students, especially Islamic economics students at University in Bandung.



Keywords: Family Enviroment, Religiosity, Student Interest in Islamicpreneur

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