Marketing Mix 7Ps in Islamic Perspective


There are so many strategic concepts in business that are offered. Islam views trade as an important factor in human life as long as the process is in line with Islamic teachings relating to business behavior. Specifically, Allah SWT destined the Prophet Muhammad to be a successful entrepreneur before his prophetic life. Because Islam is a way of life, the marketing code of ethics must be guided by the Quran and Hadith, the two main references that Muslims obey to succeed in life and the hereafter. Until now, the term marketing and the existence of Islam and its acceptance is still a widely debated issue among academics, students, practitioners and consumers, especially in non-Islamic countries. Because there are arguments from experts that Islamic marketing is important in contemporary commercial activities, the 7P concept in marketing must be combined with Islamic principles. The 7P concept was chosen because of its wide acceptance as the main pillar of marketing. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to develop an understanding of 7P based on Islamic and contemporary marketing perspectives, which explains how the marketing mix in the perspective of Islam, which in practice must be in accordance with the rules in force in muamalah, this regulation does not harm consumers and producers. A thorough discussion related to the issues mentioned will provide an in-depth understanding of each of the 7Ps elements.



Keywords: Islamic Marketing, Marketing Mix7Ps

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