Study of Urban Drainage Network Performance in Maximum Discharge Storage in the City of Bandung


The analysis of Urban Drainage Network Performance in Maximum Discharge Storage in the City becomes an urgent matter, the approach that will be conducted in this research is explanatory, which is explaining natural phenomena that happened and synthesizing the relation of parameter stream, existing drainage network, and potential puddle. The result of analysis shows several inundation area in the rainy season in subCatchment Citepus, the cause is identified as there has not been a drainage channel that connects it to the main canal that caused the drainage network hard to be evaluated, the water rope are clogged beside the road, dimensional channel cannot handle runoff discharge, various clog on several crossway, the narrowing and swallowing of channel because of sedimentation, and several different utility with the transversal and parallel in position causing it to become a place where garbage stacks up. Several channel section’s capacity are unable to contain discharge, but several channel are still able to contain but in factuality of the field there are still rash that caused inundation in several main section roadway in Bandung.



Keywords: discharge, inundation, flood, drainage.

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