Development of Palang Pintu As an Edutainment in Venetië van Java (Batavia)


In the midst of the proliferation of Betawi cultural creations, one that is considered to be an intangible cultural heritage is (Open) the Palang Pintu or otherwise known as the Palang Pintu (Doorstop/Door Cross). Palang Pintu is one of the events in the Betawi wedding ceremony. The meaning and philosophy or character of the Betawi people is reflected in the Palang Pintu. This qualitative research was produced using various sources of contemporaries in the form of staatsblad, magazines, newspapers, manuscripts, and photographs with the aim of producing data as Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indie, Bijdragen Koninklijk Instituut voor Indische Taal, Land en Volkenkunde, De Indische Courant, het Dagblad, Bataviaasch Nieuwsblad, Nieuwsblad van het Noorden, Inter Ocean, Sluyters Monthly, Bintang Hindia, and Radja Timoer. Palang Pintu is an educational part of the cultural values of the Betawi people. Palang Pintu currently is no longer only held in traditional Betawi wedding ceremonies but at various other events such as circumcision or welcoming guests.



Keywords: Palang Pintu, marriage ceremony, Betawi, culture

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