E-Learning Readiness Measurement in SMK Negeri DKI Jakarta


The purpose of this study was to determine the readiness of e-learning (e-learning readiness) that is effective and would make graduates of DKI Jakarta Vocational High School (SMK) have employability skills so that SMK graduates are ready to work. This research can also be used as a reference by researchers to conduct further research. The study uses descriptive statistical analysis. Data collection was done by leading observations and interviews using a Likert scale. Data processing was done by measuring the e-learning readiness with Aydin & tasci (2005) index model. The results of e-learning readiness research at SMK Negeri DKI Jakarta has a value index of 3.42, which indicates that e-learning readiness at SMK Negeri DKI Jakarta is ready for a little improvement to implement e-learning. There are several indicators of e-learning readiness that fall into the category of not ready but require preparation including signs of motivation, initiative, content, and interaction. Therefore, it is necessary to do better preparation for the implementation of e-learning so that e-learning is more effective and students can have employability skills in preparing graduates of SMK Negeri DKI Jakarta who are ready to work and have expertise in technology and information by using e-learning.



Keywords: e-learning, e-learning readiness, Vocational High School

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