Analysis Factor of Existence Traditional Market: The Analysis of Consumer Behavior Perspective (Study on the Progo Market, Tropodo Village, Waru Sidoarjo, East Java)


Progo market is a traditional market, operating in a small scope, it is an alternative choice for people of Tropodo village, Waru Sidoarjo, East Java. The traditional market started 16 years back when a homeless merchant started selling vegetables (known as mlijon) on a residential street of Tropodo to survive, This number has gone up to around 227 merchants today. The market is located in the middle of a large residential area and surrounded by several modern shopping centers. Consumers come not only from lower social classes but also from middle and upper classes. The purpose of this study is to determine: (1) the factors that influence consumer buying in traditional markets and (2) the factors that most influence the purchasing decisions in the traditional markets. This type of research is factor analysis and factor analysis techniques were confirmatory; the following factors were confirmed through a previous research, covering eight factors, namely culture, price, location, physiological needs, product quality, product diversity, quality of service, and comfort. The technique of sampling was done using quota sampling with the number of respondents being 100 people. The results showed that eight factors after analysis with a standard value of KMO is greater than 0.5, then all the factors have KMO value of more than 0.5. When these eight factors were extracted using the standard eigen value having a value of more than 1, there were two, namely culture (with the eigen value 3.247) and the price (eigen value 1.195). These two factors are used as core factors, namely: physiological needs factors and cultural factors. Physiological needs factor shaped by factors’ physiological needs, comfort, service quality, and diversity of products, the total variance is 42.863%. While cultural factors shaped by cultural factors, price, and quality products with total variance is 17.052%. The analytical model could be used because it has the total variance more than 50%.



Keywords: factor analysis, existence of traditional market, consumer behavior

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