Disruption Era, Do Students Have Its Competencies? The Case of Indonesia


Disruption era offers opportunities and challenges for educational institutions. On one side, educational institutions are required to produce graduates who meet the qualifications of the work world. On the other side, the existence of disruption phenomenon causes uncertainty over the permanence of a profession. Preparing graduates to be able to live anytime, anywhere, and in any situation becomes a necessity. Graduates’ competencies no longer contain only knowledge-knowing attributes but also knowledge production and innovation applications of knowledge. This study was designed to determine the extent to which student competencies face disruption era. Entrepreneurial is an important competency that is measured (including technological competencies). Project assessment is used to answer research questions. The results of the study indicate that there is a combination in achievement of competency and collaboration is competency that need to be improved.



Keywords: disruption era, student competencies, project assessment

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