Themed Figurative Ceramic Artistic Creation from Local Culture Inspiration


Indonesian local culture expression which contained mother’s loyalty to her children has been basic for creative idea source of ceramic art creation. Researcher as creator realized existence of mother who become the center and life spirit in various social changes. Nowadays, mothers are no longer a central figure. She was ignored and didn’t get enough attention as main figure in household life. Mother’s loyalty has been expressed through various art media, with also various unique art form and style. They are all meaningful, whether in this life or afterlife. That local culture meaning also attract ceramic artist to create a figurative ceramic artwork with contemporary shades. This expression will enrich artwork variety with mother’s loyalty meaning in various artistic and attractive ways. Method to produce ceramic artwork consist of study in idea source and creative action to embody the idea. Study is done to discuss mother’s loyalty meaning in Indonesian local culture. Creative action is by creating figurative ceramic art which express the meaning uniquely through ceramic art. This activity is started from exploring artwork shape plan and through ceramic making technique to produce artwork. Creative activity produce contemporary figurative ceramic artwork.



Keywords: Mother’s Loyalty, Ceramic art, Creative.

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