Project-based Learning in Chinese Classroom: A Way to Stimulate Students


Learning Mandarin as a foreign language not only emphasize the importance of pronunciation and mastery of vocabulary or grammar, but also the importance of understanding of the context, therefore students are able to apply when communicate using Mandarin. Project-based Learning (PjBL) is one of the learning models which help students in applying what they learnt in real context. In this study, researchers apply PjBL on XI graders in two different high schools in Indonesia, which are Senior High School 5 Malang and Senior High School Taruna Nala Jawa Timur. The researcher asked Senior High School 5 Malang students’ to create a three minute video about visiting a sick friend. Meanwhile, the task that given to Senior High School Taruna Nala Jawa Timur students’ is to create a 3D school’s map. As a result, PjBL implementation in Mandarin classroom proved to gives an opportunity for students to apply what they have learnt in a real context so it can stimulate students in developing their language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) and improve their 4Cs competencies (critical thinking, collaborative, communicative, and creative). Learning Mandarin is similar with learning any other foreign language, it requires considerable exposure thus students are able to get the chance to apply what they have already learnt thoroughly. In addition, learning Mandarin as a foreign language not only emphasize the importance of pronunciation and mastery of vocabulary or grammar, but also the importance of understanding of the context, therefore students are able to apply when communicate using Mandarin. Project-based Learning (PjBL) is one of the learning models which help students in applying what they learnt in real context. In this study, researchers apply PjBL on XI graders in two different high schools, Senior High School Taruna Nala Jawa Timur and Senior High School 5 Malang. The researcher asked Senior High School Taruna Nala Jawa Timur students’ to create a 3D school’s map. Meanwhile, the task that given to Senior High School 5 Malang students’ is to create a three minute video about visiting a sick friend. As a result, PBL implementation in Mandarin classroom can stimulate students in developing their language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) and 4C competencies (critical thinking, Collaborative, Communicative, and Creative). Besides, PBL also gives an opportunity for students to apply what they have learnt in a real context.



Keywords: Pjbl, Mandarin Classroom, High School Students, Language Skills, 4cs Competencies



Keywords: Project Based Learning, Mandarin classroom, high school students, video

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