What are the Technical Means the State Prepare for the Regulation of the Cryptocurrencies?


The technology of BlockChain and cryptocurrency is an actual topic for humanity today. There are different policies regulating cryptocurrencies, but they are still far from perfect. The difficulty of technical regulation of these systems is beyond doubt, many countries are only at the stage of discussing the status of the currencies, some are extremely supportive of them. However, it is undeniable that more and more countries will introduce regulations in the field of cryptocurrencies, focusing, firstly, on the structure of their own economy.


Keywords: BlockChain, cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, mining.

[1] Electronic resource] https://www.dp.ru/a/2017/09/18/Kriptovaljuti_Kitaj_darit

[2] Data analysis company CB Insights ”Banking Is Only The Start: 20 Big Industries Where BlockChain Could Be Used,” July year 2016. [Electronic resource] https://www.cbinsights.com/blog/industries-disrupted-blockchain/

[3] How many Bitcoins mined to date. Mode of access: https://cryptomagic.ru/ kriptovaluty/bitcoin/skolko-dobyto.html.

[4] Data company Accenture ”Join the BlockChain party. How banks are building a realtime global payment network [Electronic resource] https://www.accenture.com/ us-en/insight-blockchain-technology-how-banks-building-real-time

[5] Capitalization of the cryptocurrencies market exceeded 200 billion dollars. Accessmode: https://economics.unian.net/finance/2225796-kapitalizatsiya-rinkukriptovalyut-perevischila-200 milyardiv.html