The Effect of Futsal Training toward Vo2max on Teenager Students at Mts Darulmutaalimin Kadungora District in Garut Regency


Background: Futsal is a sport that played by the team with the aim to obtain the pleasure, the physical fitness and also to achieve the optimal performance. The Futsal is able to make someone more fit as well. A person’s fitness can be measured by how much VO2max value.VO2max is the ability of the heart and lungs supplying the oxygen throughout the body for a long time. The factors that effect of VO2max value one of them are futsal sport makes people move and if it is done regularly and discipline will make the work of the heart and lungs increases and makes the amount of blood per beat contents being pumped throughout the body increasing, there was an increase in VO2max.

Objectives: The study aims to identify the effect of futsal training on VO2maxMTS students Darul mutaalimin Kadungora District Garut District 2018.

Methods: The type of research used pre-experiment with the design of ”one group pretest posttest”with the amount of population were as many as 109 students, the sample were 20 students, and using the random sampling technique. Data collection was carried out by direct observation of the distance traveled by students for 12 minutes. The analysis method used the Parameters T-Test analysis because data were normally distributed

Results: The results showed the average VO2max value before doing the futsal training were 32.44 and after doing the futsal training, the average VO2max value was 36.70. VO2max value increasing this was significant with P-Value (0.000)<(0.05).

Conclusion: This showed that there was an effect of futsal training on VO2max. The suggestion for Darulmutaalimin Garut MTS is that necessary to do extra extracurricular futsal sports to improve student fitness so that students are not easily become sick, more active and diligent in daily learning process.

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