Heart Failure Patients’ Experiences in Communicating with Nurses during Hospitalization


Background: Heart functional damage and hospitalization undertaken by patients can cause phsyical and psychological problems. During treatment, patients communicate with nurses. Communication that occurs can affect phsyical and psychological conditions.

Objective: The objective of this research was to explore the experience of heart failure patients in communicating with nurses during hospitalization.Design: The study design was qualitative phenomenology with data collection done by doing in-depth interviews with 12 participants selected by purposive sampling. All of the data wasanalyzedusingColaizziAnalysisContent.

Result: The study produced five themes, namely: 1). Therapeutic communication is applied by nurses when treating heart failure patients 2). Familiarity can create a good interpersonal relationship between nurse and patient 3). An effective communication is one of the patient’s satisfaction during hospitalization 4). Fast response is one of the satisfactions for patients with heart failure 5). Collaborating is done by the nurse to overcome the symptoms that arise.

Conclusions: Communication is needed by heart failure patients to overcome physical and psychological problems.


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