The Development of a Core Syllabus for Teaching Anatomy of the Respiratory System to Medical Student


Anatomical education is one of critical basic science to support the physician’s skill in their clinical practice. However, the change in the medical curriculum caused a reduction in the time given for anatomy learning. One of the systems in anatomical learning that has considerable material is the respiratory system. The purpose of this study is to get a consensus on anatomy respiratory system material that is important for a medical doctor. This study was designed in a qualitative approach with the specified method of two round Delphi Technique. The subjects of the study were the general practitioner in Indonesia selected through purposive sampling. The Delphi questionnaire was arranged based on three anatomy textbooks and the previous research about anatomy Core syllabus. The consensus level established by the researchers in this study was
at 80% point. In the first round of Delphi, it did not get any additional topic, but 51 items were omitted. The consensus of general physicians after the second round of Delphi got 108 core syllabi of 372 anatomical materials of the respiratory system. Not all materials contained in the textbook are directly related to medical practice, so it is possible for lecturers to select essential teaching materials to reduce the students’
learning burden.

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