Edible Portion of Carcass and Offal of Indonesian Yearling Kacang Buck Fed Ruminally Undegradable Protein


Fish meal and soybean meal are protein source of feeds, and fish meal containing relatively high ruminally undegradable protein that were used in this study to increase the edible portion of Kacang bucks. Twelve of yearling Kacang bucks (17.84 kg ± 1.57 kg) were arranged in Completely Randomized Design with three different treatments: NG (control): natural grass, FM: total mixed ration containing fish meal and SBM: total
mixed ration containing soybean meal. The rations contained 15 % of crude protein, except for NG. Parameters observed were edible portion of carcass and offal. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance and Duncan’s Multiple Range Test. About 18.82 kg to 26.62 kg of the goats slaughter weight produced 39.17 % to 52.06 % of carcass and 47.94 % to 60.83 % of offal. Total edible portion of SBM carcass (9.67 kg) was higher than those of FM (7.07 kg) and NG carcass (6.56 kg). Total edible portions of offal were relatively similar among the treatments (NG: 3.89 kg, FM: 4.02 kg, SBM: 4.38 kg). It can be concluded that the use of soybean meal in the ration can improve the edible portion of carcass and offal of Kacang Goats better than fish meal did.

Keywords: Edible portion, Fish meal, Local goat, Soybean meal, TMR

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