Identification the Availability of P in Land Planted with Corn on Volcanic, Karst and Acid Soils in Indonesia


Indonesia has many low fertile soils so that agricultural productivity is not optimal. Indonesia is currently challenged by corn self-sufficiency, with a target to increase corn production by 1 t ⋅ ha−1. However, one of the major constraints of land for corn production is a low P availability. To support the increase in production, and provide a database of potential production, the identification of corn land that has P availability problems is extremely required. In this study, the approaches are to observe the distribution of soil parent material from geological maps, soil maps to determine the type of soil, statistical data from the statistics bureau to get the center area of corn, and field observations. From the survey conducted, we found that most of the land evolved
from volcanic material, karst material, and acid soils are the soils with a problem of P. However, some areas of the soils showed a high P availability. Further identification of P availability in acid, volcanic, and karst soils needs to be done so that the database of potential corn production can be structured as a basis of corn land management policies in Indonesia.


Keywords: Acid soils, Corn, Karst, P availability, Volcanic

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