Association between the Percentage of Public Health Efforts Budget Allocation and District Health Office Performances in Depok, 2013 – 2015


Health budgeting is one of the subsystems which is included in the National Health System (NHS), where fund extraction, allocation, and expenditure integrated efforts are supporting each other for health development. Health Budget Allocation is used for Public Health Efforts (PHE/UKM), Individual Health Efforts (IHE/UKP), and
Other Supporting Efforts. Performance indicator in health sector can be evaluated by observing the accomplishment of Minimum ServiceStandard (MSS) (Standard Pelayanan Minimal), which is originated from PHE activities and comparing it towards its target. By increasing the percentage of budget allocation for PHE activities, it is expected that the performance of District Health Office will also be increased. This research aimed to get the information about the percentage of health budget allocation in District Health Office in Depok and its association towards the performance. Thus, this research with the observational study was conducted by using secondary data collected between 2013 – 2015. Bivariate analysis had been done by using correlation
test and it showed that there was a significant correlation between the percentage of PHE budget allocation and District Health Office performances in Depok with r= 0.998 (strong correlation) and p-value = 0.038. Therefore, this research showed that the higher percentage of the PHE budget allocation, the higher District Health Office performances in Depok achieved. To conclude, it was great to increase the percentage for PHE budget allocation in purpose to increase the performances of District Health Office in Depok, which would had an impact on the increasing of service standards in the health sector.

Keywords: Health Budget, Public Health Effort, Minimum Service Standard, District Health Office.

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