The Relationship between Individual Characteristic and Knowledge about HIV/AIDS with Condoms Usage Behaviour on FSWs (FSW)


In Indonesia, recently heterosexual risk is still a significant cause of HIV transmission (52.7%), although it has begun to shift to injecting drug users (IDUs). Data elected in 2009 showed that women with AIDS are 38.2% of them were housewives and 11.7% of them were Female Sex Worker (FSW). The high figure is thought to be those contracted from risky behavior husbands/partners themselves. The use of condoms is as tool that can be used by commercial sex workers, both men and women, and can also be used by customers to prevent or Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) caused by the sexual. This study aimed to determine the relationship between individual characteristics and knowledge about HIV/AIDS with condom usage behavior in FSW. This was a descriptive study with a cross-sectional approach. The population was all FSW in sub-district Community Health Center Duren Sawit. The number of sample in this study as many as 48 FSW. Sampling was done by using population. The data analyzed in univariate and bivariate with Chi-Square test. The results showed that there were 62.5% of FSW who rarely wore condom; there was a significant relationship among education,
marital status, length of work and knowledge about HIV/AIDS with the behavior of using condoms. Based on the findings, it’s suggested for health centers to improve health education activities to prevent the transmission of HIV/AIDS.

Keywords: Knowledge; individual characteristics; behavior; condoms; sex workers

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